A short CV for medico-legal purposes.

You will be asked to provide a CV, usually before you are instructed. This should start with your qualifications & medico-legal experience, and follow with your clinical appointments at consultant level. In the interests of brevity, I omit the details of my training posts. If you are at the beginning of your consultant career, it is probably worth including them.

Then come your clinical interests; academic & examining roles; British Orthopaedic Association & Specialty Association roles; Royal College roles; appointments to National Bodies; and finally a list of publications. In the list of publications & presentations I include some of my presentations but not all of them. I omit my national & international lectures, again for brevity, but some may wish to include them.

How much of this CV actually gets read I have no idea.

You need to update this CV regularly. It is easy to forget to do so, but make a point of it. If you don’t, it will become inaccurate. That looks careless, and that is not a good look in the medico-legal (or indeed any) context.

You may want to include a photograph. It can help the solicitors to identify you amongst everyone else when you turn up at Court, or in their waiting room prior to a conference with barristers.

Here is mine, as an example:

Professor Richard J Montgomery – MB, BS, FRCS(Ed), FRCS(Eng)

Honorary Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon, James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough.

Honorary Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon, The Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne.

Visiting Professor, School of Health & Social Care, University of Teesside.

GMC No: 2431501


June 1978         MB BS, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne

January 1983      FRCS, Edinburgh

April 2011            FRCS, England, ad eundum

GMC Reg No:      2431501

On General Medical Council Specialist Register: Trauma & Orthopaedics. Revalidated 2019-2024.

Medicolegal Experience

I have been in medico-legal practice for over 25 years, in the fields of personal injury and medical negligence. 

Civil cases only. I do not undertake the Single Joint Expert (SJE) role.

I have an approximately-even split overall for Claimant & Defendant instructions. The majority of PI instructions relate to multiple/major/catastrophic injury. The majority of Medical Negligence instructions relate to major limb injury; post-traumatic limb reconstruction; non-union/malunion; deformity & limb length discrepancy; bone & joint infection; & children’s trauma & orthopaedics (CP, DDH, SUFE etc).

I am a member of the UK Register of Expert Witnesses.

I have lectured on changes in consent law for RCS Edinburgh  courses in recent years. 

I have supplied reports principally for the UK Courts, but also for courts in Republic of Ireland, Spain, and Australia. 

I hold UK & Republic of Ireland passports.

Consultant Experience

Honorary Consultant in Trauma & Orthopaedics, South Tees Hospitals NHS FT, 2016-present.

Honorary Consultant in Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS FT, 2012- present.

Awarded a National Silver Clinical Excellence Award in 2010, renewed 2015.

Consultant in Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery, South Tees Hospitals NHS FT, 1991-2015.  

Consultant in Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery, North Tees & South Tees Health Districts, 1989-1991.

Clinical Interests:

General Orthopaedics, Trauma Reconstruction, Limb Reconstruction, Musculo-skeletal Infection, and Children’s Orthopaedics. 

The majority of my cases have been lower limb rather than upper limb, but I have published on upper limb conditions. Between 2004-2018 I examined in ‘hand & upper limb’ as the non-specialist part of a pairing of specialist & non-specialist examiners in this topic for the FRCS T&O.

I pioneered circular frame treatment for trauma, limb length discrepancy, and deformity in the North-East of England in 1992, and introduced operative management of pelvic and acetabular trauma into Teesside the same year.

I developed the Montgomery Hip Screw for fixation of femoral osteotomy in children’s hip disorders. I described an improved technique for femoral osteotomy in cerebral palsy.

I have given multiple lectures & presentations at national and international meetings, and I have publications in these fields. 

I am a member of the British Limb Reconstruction Society, The British Society for Surgery in Cerebral Palsy, & The British Orthopaedic Association.

I am a past member of The British Society for Children’s Orthopaedic Surgery, The British Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society, and of the British Association for Surgery of the Knee.

Postgraduate Training:

Carried out in the Northern Region and at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA. 

Academic & Examining Roles:

Chair of the Intercollegiate Specialty Board in Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery, (Chair of FRCS T&O Examination Board for the UK Royal  Surgical Colleges & the FRCSI in the Republic of Ireland) 2015-2018. 

Visiting Professor, School of Health & Social Care, Teesside University, from 2015.

RCS Edinburgh representative on the Joint Surgical Colleges Fellowship Examination Board in Trauma & Orthopaedics, 2013-2018, for International Fellowship Exams. 

Lead Examiner Assessor, FRCS T&O, 2015.

Appointed Examiner Assessor, Intercollegiate Specialty Board for Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery, 2013-18.

Lead Examiner, FRCS Orthopaedics, Joint Fellowship Examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, the Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons and the College of Surgeons of Singapore, 2013 & 2014.

Hon. Secretary of the Intercollegiate Specialty Board in Trauma & Orthopaedics, 2011-2015.

Guest Lecturer, Pre-FRCS Orth Course, Singapore 2011.

External examiner, FRCS Orth., Joint Fellowship Examination of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, the Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons and the College of Surgeons of Singapore 2010.

Member of the Intercollegiate Specialty Board in Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery, [FRCS T&O], 2010-2018.

Member of the Panel of Examiners, Intercollegiate Specialty Board for Trauma and Orthopaedics, (FRCS Trauma & Orthopaedics), 2003- 2018.

Visiting Fellow to the School of Health and Social Care, University of Teesside, 2002-2015.

Member of FRCS [T&O] Examination Quality Assurance Group, 2009-2011.

Member of the MCQ and EMQ writing panel, FRCS Trauma & Orthopaedics, 2005-2009.

Host Examiner & Organiser, FRCS Trauma & Orthopaedics, Middlesbrough, February, 2006.

External Examiner, MD Thesis, University of Sheffield, 2006-2008.

Member of the Panel of Examiners, (MRCS), Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, 2001-2006.

Honorary Clinical Lecturer and Examiner, Universities of Newcastle upon Tyne and Teesside, from 1996. 

British Orthopaedic Association, and Specialty Association Roles:

President of the British Limb Reconstruction Society 2008-2010.

Chairman of BOA Patient Liaison Group 2009 -2011.

Elected Member of Council, British Orthopaedic Association, 2009-2011 inclusive.

Member of the Patient Liaison Group, British Orthopaedic Association, 2007-2011. 

Hon. Treasurer of the British Society for Children’s Orthopaedic Surgery, from 2006-2009.

Hon. Treasurer of the British Limb Reconstruction Society, from 2002-2008.

Founder Member of the British Limb Reconstruction Society 1996-97. 

Royal College of Surgeons (England) Roles:

RCS England Director for Professional Affairs, North-East England, 2011-2012.

RCS Regional Specialty Professional Advisor 2010-2011.

Regional Specialty Advisor in Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery to the Northern Deanery, 2008-2010.

Royal College of Surgeons of England nominated Lead Clinician for Children’s Surgical Services, South Tees Hospitals NHS Trust, 2001-2015.

Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh) Roles:

Honorary Treasurer of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, & Non-Executive Member of the Board of Surgeons Lodge Ltd, 2014-2018.

Chair of Staff, Associate Specialist, and Locum Consultant Committee, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, 2013-2015.

Elected Member of Council & Trustee of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, 2011-2018.

Member of RCS Edinburgh Surgical Specialty Group for Orthopaedics & Trauma, 2010-2013.

Member of the Specialty Advisory Board in Orthopaedic Surgery, The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, 2007-2010. 

Appointments to National Bodies:

Reviewer for ‘The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery’, and for ‘Strategies in Trauma and Limb Reconstruction’, from 2009.

Specialist Advisor to Interventional Procedures Advisory Committee of the National Institute for Clinical Effectiveness, 2009-2015.

Member of National Specialty Commissioning Group for Paediatric Surgery, Lambeth 2001.

Selected Publications/ presentations:

In chronological order:

Montgomery R J: “A Secure Method of Olecranon Fixation: a Modification of Tension Band Wiring Technique”.  Journal of The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, 31 (3) 179-182, 1986.

Cross A, Montgomery RJ: The treatment of tibial shaft fractures by the locking medullary nail system. J Bone Joint Surg Br; 69: 489, 1987.

Montgomery R J, Sutker B D, Bronk J T, Smith S R and Kelly P J: “Interstitial Fluid Flow in Cortical Bone”.  Microvascular Research 35, 295-307, 1988.

Brindley G W, Williams E A, Bronk J T, Meadows T H, Montgomery R J, Smith S R and Kelly P J: “Parathyroid Hormone Effects on Skeletal Exchangeable Calcium and Bone Blood Flow”.  Americal Journal of Physiology 255 (Heart. Circ. Physiol. 24) H94-H100, 1988.

Kelly P J and Montgomery R J: “Circulation in Bone”.  Book Chapter for Volume I of McCollister Evarts “Surgery of the Musculo-skeletal System”.  Churchill Livingstone, 1990.

Kelly P J, Montgomery R J and Bronk J T: “Reaction of the Circulatory System to Injury and Regeneration”.  Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 254, 275-288, 1990.

Pooley J, Pooley J E and Montgomery R J: “The Central Venous Sinus of Long Bones – its Role in Relation to Exercise”.  Bone Circulation and Bone Necrosis.  Arlet J and Mazieres B (eds) Springer-Verlag, 1990.

Owen T D, Sukamar M and Montgomery R J: “Haemangioma: An Unusual Cause of Foot Pain and Flexor Hallucis Longus Dysfunction”.  The Foot, 4, 41-44, 1994.

Gilles R J, Featherstone, T and Montgomery R J: “Eikenella Corrodens Septic Arthritis”.  The Darlington Post-graduate Journal Vol 15, No 1, 21-23, 1996.

Partington P F, Montgomery R J and Naisby G P: “CT Guided Trephine Excision of an Infected Iliac Pin Site After Pelvic Fracture”.  Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery 78B, 668-669, 1996.

McCarty M, Waugh R, McCallum H, Montgomery R J, Aszkenasy M; “Paediatric Pelvic Imaging: improvement in gonad shield placement by multidisciplinary audit”.  Pediatric Radiology, 31, 9, 646-649, 2001. 

Waugh R, McCallum M, McCarty M, Montgomery R J, Aszkenasy M:  “Paediatric Pelvic Imaging: Optimisation of Dose and Technique Using Grid Controlled Digital Fluoroscopy”.  Pediatric Radiology,  31, 5, 368-373, 2001.

S Mohammed, A Port and R J Montgomery:  “Transepiphyseal Fracture of the Femoral Neck  With Dislocation of the Femoral Head and Fracture of the Posterior Column of the Acetabulum in a child”.  Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery (Br) Vol. 84-B, No.1, 113-115, 2002. 

Liow R. Y. L. and Montgomery R.J: “The Treatment of Established and Anticipated Nonunion of the Tibia in Childhood”.  Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, 22: 754-760, 2002.

Liow R. Y. L, Cregan A, and Montgomery R.J : “Early Mobilisation for Minimally Displaced Radial Head Fractures is Desirable. A Prospective Randomised Study of Two Protocols.”  Injury 33 (9), 801, 2002. 

Gibbons CT, Montgomery R.J.: “External Fixation of Children’s Fractures”. CME Orthopaedics, 2003.

Gibbons CT  and Montgomery R.J: “ Management of foot and ankle conditions using Ilizarov Technique”. Current Orthopaedics 17,436-446, 2003.

Campbell R.S and Montgomery R.J. “A cholesterol-containing foreign body granuloma presenting as an intermetatarsal bursa”. Skeletal Radiology, 34(4):239-43, 2005.

Patil S and Montgomery R.J.. “Management of complex tibial and femoral nonunion using the Ilizarov technique, and its cost implications”. J Bone Joint Surg (Br) 88-B: 928-932, 2006.

Webb J.A, Almaiyah M., McVie J., Montgomery R.J. “Proximal femoral osteotomies in children using the Richards hip screw: techniques, outcome and subsequent removal.”  J Child Orthop: 2:417–423, 2008. 

Gill I., Kumar V, Montgomery RJ. ‘Application of Hip Spica Cast Using a Box & Bar Technique’.  Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England,90 (8):700, 2008.

Giannoudis PV; Kanakaris NK; Dimitriou R; Gill I; Kolimarala V; Montgomery R J “The Synergistic Effect of Autograft and BMP-7 in the Treatment of Atrophic Nonunions”. Clinical Orthopaedics & Related Research;467(12):3239-48, 2009.

Gill I, Montgomery R.J, Wallis J. ’Successful treatment of sternal non-union by ultrasound’.  Interactive Cardiovascular & Thoracic  Surgery;9:389-390, 2009.

Montgomery RJ. “ Slipped upper femoral epiphysis”. Orthopaedics and Trauma, 23, 169-174, 2009. [Review].

 Abraham A; Marwah G; McVie J; and Montgomery RJ.  “Developmental Dysplasia of the hip- Is open reduction without femoral shortening obsolete?” J Bone and Joint Surg [Br], 91-B, SUPP I, 60; 2009.

Tsang K; Alshryda S;Adedapo A; Montgomery RJ, “Factors affecting avascular necrosis in slipped upper femoral epiphysis: A ten year perspective.” Presented at European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society, Basel, 2011, and at BOA/IOA joint meeting, Dublin, 2011. Abstract will be published in JBJS supplements.

Nanda R; Ramappa M; Montgomery R; & Page J. “Arthrodesis of the knee for septic trauma sequelae and extensive peri-articular bone defect – achieved by bone transport with a circular frame”.  J Bone Joint Surg Br 2011 vol. 93-B no. SUPP III 323.

Khunda A; Al Maiyah M; Montgomery RJ. “ Management of tibial fracture non-union using the TSF frame, and its cost implications.” Injury Extra 42(9):169 (2011) Presentation at the BOA/IOA Joint Meeting in Dublin, 2011.

Maru M & Montgomery RJ, “Outcome of proximal femoral osteotomies in children using the Montgomery Hip Screw”. Presentation at SICOT XXV Triennial World Congress, Prague, 2011.

Sims AL; Barwick TW; Montgomery RJ, “Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease in a child with ostepetrosis”. Clinics & Practice, North America, Vol 1, No.4, Dec. 2011.

Barwick TW; Montgomery RJ. ‘Knee arthrodesis with lengthening: experience of using Ilizarov techniques to salvage large asymmetric defects following infected peri-articular fractures’. Injury. 2013 Apr 8. pii: S0020-1383(13)00091-0. doi: 10.1016/j.injury.2013.02.017. [Epub ahead of print]. Injury, Volume 44, Issue 8, August 2013, Pages 1043–1048

Alshryda SJM; Tsang K; Al-Shryda J; Blenkinsopp J; Adedapo A; Montgomery R; Mason J; ‘Interventions for treating slipped upper femoral epiphysis (SUFE) (Protocol)’.  The Cochrane database of Systematic Reviews, 2013, Issue 2. Art No.: CD010397. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD010397. Published by John Wiley & Sons.

S Alshryda, K Tsang, M Ahmed, A Adedapo, R Montgomery. ‘Severe Slipped Upper Femoral Epiphysis; Fish Osteotomy versus Pinning In Situ: An Eleven Year Perspective.’  The Surgeon, 2014 Oct;12(5):244-8. doi: 10.1016/j.surge.2013.09.003. Epub 2013 Sep 30.

MA Akhtar, R Tate, RJ Montgomery. ’Central Acetabular Roof defect – more than just a normal variant?’ Irish MRI Meeting, Maynooth, January 2016; and COMOC Cape Town, South Africa.

A. Khunda, M. Al-Maiyah, W.G.P. Eardley, R. Montgomery ‘The management of tibial fracture non-union using the Taylor Spatial Frame’. Journal of Orthopaedics, 13, 360-363; 2016.

MA Akhtar,   A Adedapo , RJ Montgomery. ‘A survey of management for developmental dysplasia of the hip from the British Society for Children’s Orthopaedic Surgery Members’. Orthopaedic Proceedings Vol. 98-B, No. SUPP 15, pub 2018.

AS Bajwa, RJ Montgomery. Montgomery Hip Screw: The early results in proximal femoral osteotomies. Orthopaedic Proceedings, Vol. 92-B, No. SUPP III, British Society for Children’s Orthopaedic Surgery, pub 2018.

I have co-authored two papers that are under consideration at present (2020). One relates to the effect of smoking on bone & soft tissue healing in limb reconstruction. The other relates to Central Acetabular Roof Defects in adolescents with hip pain.

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